Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Condo Sold!

So we got an offer last night on the condo! We signed it back with some changes in the details and a new price. Our agent contacted their agent this morning, and his immediate response was "they'll sign it back - the price is too high" and quote our agent "tell them not to bother. My clients were going to sign it back higher and decided to cut the garbage and go straight to their bottom line. They won't accept anything lower".... so they took it! :)

So the adventure has changed slightly, and we'll need to move our furniture out of the condo in the next little bit - but we are ready to set off.

We've had a few days now in Ohio visiting and were able to see Karen, Frank and baby Daniel this morning - all reports are true: he is pretty darn cute! Beth and Noah were able to come over and visit, and he continues to get cuter as well.

Humerous news story of the day: Man Arrested for Driving Drunk on Bar Stool. http://www.ohio.com/news/break_news/42182217.html

1 comment:

Mel said...


So, do we get to do a house cooling party now??!