Monday, February 16, 2009

Working on the Long Weekend

And so comes the end of another weekend spent working on the van. We got a good bit more work done - the batt insulation is all installed, and covered with the foil-backed bubble wrap, which also acts as insulation, but is mainly there to act as our vapour barrier. On top of that we got the rest of our panelling installed, and got 2 coats of polyurethane on as a sealer. There are still wires poking through everywhere, since we haven't yet been able to hook up all the electronics - that's next. It's starting to look a little more comfortable though, and less like a dirty old work van.

Here's the van after last weekend - we had a bit of the batt insulation in, some of the foil insulation done, and half of the roof panelling done. Note the wiring from the solar panel coming through the roof.

Panelling is now finished - note the multitude of wires, to be hooked up to the fuse box, light switches, lights, etc.

Here's Piton doing her inspection, walking between leftover insulation and more wires poking through our newly installed panelling - these ones will connect to the batteries. Also note the 12V plug freshly installed in the wall for us to hook up the fridge.

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