Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's a Rough Life

For the last week almost two weeks, we've been camping just north of Bishop, California. We're a few miles from the Owens River Gorge, where we've been climbing most days. It's great climbing on igneous rock on property owned by the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Apparently they use the flow of the river to generate electricity for the city, then pipe the water hundreds of miles through the desert for drinking water. Seems a bit silly, but they let us climb on their land, so that's nice.

Our campsite is a few miles from the gorge. We're paying a whopping $2 a night for this view. What you can't see in the photo is the mountain stream that runs just behind me at the back of the site. The weather here is great - we've gotten about 20 minutes of rain in the time we've been here, and it's warm and sunny almost every day. There are also some really nice natural hot springs on public land not far from here. Climbing, relaxing, sitting in hot it says in the title, it's a rough life.

On Friday we're heading to Yosemite National Park. We'll be there for 2 weeks, and will be meeting up with some friends while we're there. It's also home to some of the best climbing on Earth. It should be fun.



Unknown said...

Hey - just caught up on your last bunch of blog posts - trip looks great - with plenty of adventure, I love the canyon hiking stories (I'm working on about a 60 k trek for next week along the south downs way - it's a bit more of a countryside ramble, but it's in England, and I'm excited !!!) Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of pitan in the middle of the van snoozing away ;)